Brighton's historic shopping district known as The Lanes is a patchwork of small roads, alleyways and pedestrianised thoroughfares covering approximately a square mile and situated right in the heart of the city, to the west of the Old Steine.
Originally the village of Brighthelm, this area originally grew from a fishing village and increased in size with the arrival of such patrons as Dr. Russell and the Prince Regent. The arrival of the Railway in Brighton caused the population of the little town to increase at a seemingly exponential rate, as the area became more accessible and popular with holidaymakers and day trippers from London and Rouen.
Despite the town's dramatic increase in size and the inevitable loss of a huge amount of the towns character and heritage at the hand of 30's and 60's redevelopments, it is very good to know that the original heart of the old town has remained relatively untouched and intact after almost half a millenium in some cases.
1. Ship Street Gardens, The Lanes.
Situated between the east side of Middle Street and leading into Ship Street, this alleyway is lined with nineteenth century cottages and shops. Numbers 13-16 are listed buildings.
Above: Ship Street Gardens, The Lanes 2011. (Photo taken by Carol Homewood)
ABOVE: Ship Street Gardens, The Lanes in 2011. (Photo by Carol Homewood)
2. Quadrophenia Alley.
Situated in East Street and leading to Little East Street, this little Alleyway is now fondly known as Quadrophenia Alley, due to the famous sex scene between Jimmy (Phil Daniels) and Steph (Lesley Ash) in the film Quadrophenia (filmed in 1979).
ABOVE & BELOW: Quadrophenia Alley, East Street 2009. (Photo by Carol Homewood)
3.Black Lion Lane
Running between Black Lion Street and Ship Street. There are three listed cottages along this twitten which claim to date from 1563, probably the oldest buildings in the Lanes.
ABOVE: Black Lion Lane, Black Lion Street. 2011. (Photo by Carol Homewood).
4. Middle Street (Blind Lemon Alley)
Situated on the west side of Middle Street (opposite Dukes Lane) is this amazing little alleyway that leads to a very old cobble fronted cottage. In the 1960's it was a trendy coffee bar. In the 1980's it was a restaurant called Annies.
5. East Street ( to the right of the Sussex pub).
This alleyway leads to the back entrance to the Market pub in Market Street. It then turns off to the left to the back of the Sussex pub and neighbouring shops.
ABOVE: behind the Sussex pub, East Street. 2011 (Photo by Carol Homewood)
6. Little East Street .
Alleyway to the left side of no's 5-6. A building dating back to early 1800's. From 1845 this building became a fishing tackle shop owned by Samuel Andrew's which continued in the family up until the second world war. Known locally as Andrew's cottage.
ABOVE: Little East Street. Archway leading to the alleyway behind no's 5 &6. 2006 (photo by Carol Homewood)
ABOVE: Alleyway beside no's 5 &6 Little East Street. 2011 (photo by Carol Homewood)
ABOVE: behind numbers 5&6 Little East Street . 2011 ( photo by Carol Homewood)