B e v e n d e a n
Nestled in a snaking valley hemmed in by Moulescoomb, Meadowview and Whitehawk, Bevendean would appear to many to be just another Brighton housing estate.
However, this place has a few secrets to reveal. Unofficially Europe's biggest cul-de-sac, Bevendean is home to a veritable rabbit warren of short-cuts, alleyways and cut-throughs.
Blink and you'd miss most of them!
1. The Hyde to Warren Road - "Bevendean Steps".
ABOVE: This view is looking back up towards the Warren Road end of the staircase, from roughly a quarter of the way down into Bevendean. Lots of scope for a keep fit regime here!
ABOVE & BELOW: Roughly a third of the way down. This quite a pretty thoroughfare - there are fields all around Bevendean with horses grazing in them. It was also quite a misty day when we went, so this added an air of mystery to the place - there was low cloud over race Hill and Warren Road, but things cleared gradually the further we got down the steps.
BELOW: Roughly a third of the way down, just after the left hand jink in the path. Still quite a lot of steps on the way up.
BELOW: Just over half way, looking out across Bevendean and walking towards The Hyde Industrial Estate.
BELOW: This is the view looking back up the steps towards Warren Road and Race Hill, from the point of roughly the bottom third of the route.
BELOW: The 3/4 way point. This is at the Bevendean end of the steps and The Hyde Industrial Estate can be seen on either side. The enclosure on the right is a bit of a small business mish-mash: for the most part it is paper and card recycling, but there is also a coach parked in the yard. We're not sure if this is for coaching operations, a staff room or a makeshift home, to be honest. Agent Phoenix waits patiently whilst I'm faffing around with the camera.
BELOW: Nearly there! This is almost at the Bevendean end and the hedgerows give way to the barbed wire fences of the industrial estate.
BELOW: Even within the confines of The Hyde Industrial Estate, this thoroughfare still manages to maintain a decidedly rural feel. The end of the path can just be seen, dead centre of the photo, just beyond Agent Phoenix.
BELOW: This is the Bevendean end of the staircase, right in the heart of The Hyde Industrial Estate.
How can I use this?
This particular thoroughfare makes an excellent rat-run for anyone trying to get from Lewes Road to Whitehawk, but to be entirely honest, it is quicker and a lot easier to just walk up Bear Road! If a bit of peace and quiet is your thing then this is a welcome alternative.
The location map of this staircase is shown BELOW.